Saturday, 29 September 2012

Y-3 - Nomad Wedge

Las Vegas is a world on its own. To describe the craziness and energy in this city is impossible.

Whilst walking around one of the casino malls, I came across a store  by the name of Y-3. Inside I found a range of clothing and shoes that were completely different to anything else I have come across. One shoe in particular was the NOMAD WEDGE.

Here is a bit about the brand:

The Y stands for: YOHJI YAMAMOTO


And the dash represents the bond between the two.

Using the avant-garde aesthetic of the well known and extremely creative mind of Japanese designer Yohji Yamamoto with the breakthrough technologies of adidas, Y-3 has created a completely new category within fashion, composed of equal parts luxury, style, craftsmanship, and forward-thinking design.

If you want to check out more amazing architectural fashion designs from Y-3, visit:

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